Port Solace
Oil Paintings, Typography, Graphic Design & Screenprinting for Port Solace | 2014/2015
After regrouping as a new Band the guys from Port Solace
asked me to design a new logo and 3 single covers for their upcoming release.
asked me to design a new logo and 3 single covers for their upcoming release.
I ended up creating three oil paintings on canvas which i then photographed
to use as backdrops for the covers. I also created a new typeface for the band,
which is a purposely-dirty digitized version of the font from the singers typewriter.
Since he writes all his lyrics on it, it seemed appropriate to also use it for the logo
and titles. I also printed some shirts & tote-bags for the guys.
to use as backdrops for the covers. I also created a new typeface for the band,
which is a purposely-dirty digitized version of the font from the singers typewriter.
Since he writes all his lyrics on it, it seemed appropriate to also use it for the logo
and titles. I also printed some shirts & tote-bags for the guys.